[Home]History of ChexQuest

Revision 2 . . February 25, 2005 16:04 by Ooter.ST.HMC.Edu [Wolf3D?]

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Changed: 1c1,3
A cheap cereal-based ripoff of the old 3d-but-not-3d shooters like Quake and Doom (yes, the originals!) that actually ended up being very fun. Difficult to make sound compatible with today's sound cards, but not impossible. Ah, the good ol' days... Drop me a line (BrianKirkpatrick) if you'ld like to check it out.
A cheap cereal-based ripoff of the old 3d-but-not-3d shooters like Quake and Doom (yes, the originals!) that actually ended up being very fun. Difficult to make sound compatible with today's sound cards, but not impossible. Ah, the good ol' days... Drop me a line (BrianKirkpatrick) if you'ld like to check it out.

* I remember this game. I think it's actually a Wolf3D? mod, although I can't remember if it came out before or after the source code became available. -AlexUtter

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