[Home]History of Citronism

Revision 4 . . November 11, 2016 5:30 by WL-195-28.WPA.Claremont.Edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 26,29c26,29
- High Ascendant Tommy (JonahRubin): Betrayer of all things green and sour.
- High Ascendant Timmy: Oh god Timmy. Don't even THINK about Timmy. Timmy is batshit crazy.
- High Ascendant Sally (LydiaSylla): Became limed of soul after dying in the great battle to protect the Grand Citron from the King's forces.
- High Ascendant Joey: Became limed of soul after dying in the great battle to protect the Grand Citron from the King's forces.
* High Ascendant Tommy (JonahRubin): Betrayer of all things green and sour.
* High Ascendant Timmy: Oh god Timmy. Don't even THINK about Timmy. Timmy is batshit crazy.
* High Ascendant Sally (LydiaSylla): Became limed of soul after dying in the great battle to protect the Grand Citron from the King's forces.
* High Ascendant Joey: Became limed of soul after dying in the great battle to protect the Grand Citron from the King's forces.

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