[Home]History of EmmaDavis

Revision 49 . . (edit) August 31, 2015 19:54 by

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 1c1,3
Now a senior? How did that happen. Not to be confused with FroshEmmaDavis? (who is actually a junior). Common names kind of suck. However, EmmaMagnetism is definitely a thing.
EmmaDavis is dead (class of 2015), and currently spending the first few years of her afterlife teaching English in Japan through the JET Program. If you ever find yourself in Japan for whatever reason, please come visit, because it's kind of lonely and timezones make chatting difficult =(

Not to be confused with FroshEmmaDavis? (who doesn't go to Mudd anymore apparently anyway). Common names kind of suck. However, EmmaMagnetism is definitely a thing.

Changed: 7c9
As a frosh, slept upstairs in East 175 with SarahScheffler. As a sophomore, was a member of TimeSuckXVI. As a junior, was in East 109 with SarahScheffler, as one of the founding members of SuiteEqualistAwesomeEmmaPornPartyLounge. Currently in East 123. Yayyyy all four years in East :D
As a frosh, slept upstairs in East 175 with SarahScheffler. As a sophomore, was a member of TimeSuckXVI. As a junior, was in East 109 with SarahScheffler, as one of the founding members of SuiteEqualistAwesomeEmmaPornPartyLounge. As a senior, lived in East 123. Yayyyy all four years in East :D

Changed: 13c15
Currently learning Japanese (nine years), Chinese (five years), Indonesian (self study), and Korean (first year), because languages are awesome. In fact, if she didn't get into Mudd she would be majoring in foreign languages somewhere. But she did, so she's not.
Currently learning Japanese (nine years), Chinese (five years), Indonesian (self study), and Korean (first year), because languages are awesome. In fact, if she didn't get into Mudd she would be majoring in foreign languages somewhere. But she did, so she's not. But she ended up running off to Japan to teach English anyway, because what the heck, why not. Living the dream \o/

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