[Home]History of FinalFantasyEight

Revision 12 . . April 7, 2004 23:50 by evrtwa1-ar3-4-65-158-010.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net [Got tired of challenge]

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 56c56
On an amusing counterpoint to the entire argument above about pointless improvements to the characters, at least the first disc is playable without equipping GFs at all. Yes, this means you don't have access to the draw, magic, GF, or even item commands. Yes, this means you don't get Mug, or any of the refines, and you can't junction anything at all. I'm up to the last bit of the first disc, and while I have had to restart a few boss fights a few times, it's showing promise of being doable for the near future. -- EvilSouthie
On an amusing counterpoint to the entire argument above about pointless improvements to the characters, at least the first disc is playable without equipping GFs at all. Yes, this means you don't have access to the draw, magic, GF, or even item commands. Yes, this means you don't get Mug, or any of the refines, and you can't junction anything at all. I reached the middle of the second disk and then those Oilboyles started kicking my ass. Selphie's "The End" means that the game is theoretically beatable if the section without Selphie can be gotten through. It just happens that this section includes some really assy fights. -- EvilSouthie

Changed: 60c60

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