[Home]History of GsixtyThree

Revision 12 . . (edit) July 1, 2007 3:22 by 167-202-8-8-arpa.cust.cinci.current.net [Your change makes it seem that KurtDresner's reply is to me, which in fact it is not. Also, 'independent' was spelled wrong.]

Difference (from prior major revision) (minor diff, author diff)

Changed: 19c19
Entirely through independant sorting, HaloSuite, new to EastDorm this year (2004) finds itself in 101 and 103. While not related at all, it could be considered the spiritual descendant of G63, seeing as its set up with four networked XBoxes open for dorm use. Horray!
Entirely through independent sorting, HaloSuite, new to EastDorm this year (2004) finds itself in 101 and 103. While not related at all, it could be considered the spiritual descendant of G63, seeing as its set up with four networked XBoxes open for dorm use. Hooray!

Changed: 23c23,25
Interesting. --KurtDresner (aka DoctorEsner), founding member of GsixtyThree
** I've just realized that SuiteJesus pulled those rooms. So that means that Jesus is Halo's kid or something? --RichardBowen

**Interesting. --KurtDresner (aka DoctorEsner), founding member of GsixtyThree

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