Mildred E. Mudd hall (also known as East Dorm) was the first building on the HarveyMuddCollege campus. EastDorm is not just a building. It is a community of people with EastieNature. There are many ThirdFloorEasties who don't even live in EastDorm.
EastDorm includes several EastieSuites. A layout of these can be found on EastieMap.
EastDorm also celebrates several EastieHolidays
Each year, EastDorm elects various DormOssifers, including:
...and a number of other positions that change from year to year.
The dorm collectively owns a bunch of DormStuff people are free to use.
[picture by ChrisHanusa showing TimeSuck, GsixtyThree, TreeMoore, and EricBrown]
This is the EastDorm courtyard! Go to EastDormImprovements to suggest improvements!