[Home]History of MixedModeMagic

Revision 2 . . November 3, 2006 20:37 by HMC-57-101.ST.HMC.Edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 3c3,5
One of many horrifying discoveries made on AndrewFarmer's investigation of the classic MacOS? architecture. MixedModeMagic was the trap ($AAFE) which was used to call from 68K code into PowerPC? code (usually within system traps, as multi-platform libraries were always supported).
One of many horrifying discoveries made on AndrewFarmer's investigation of the classic MacOS? architecture. MixedModeMagic was the trap ($AAFE) which was used to call from 68K code into PowerPC? code (usually within system traps, as multi-platform libraries were always supported).


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