ChessersSuite was a suite in
EastDorm (rooms 102/4) that officially started in the Fall 2000, although it existed in people's minds long before then (and actually won several dorm awards before it even existed). The four original Chesserians were
MicahSmukler, and
DanielLowd, who all lived together in E104 while maintaining the legendary
ChessersLounge in E102. This arrangment persisted until Spring 2002, when
ChessersSuite was divided into the
ChessSide and the
CheckersSide and people slept in both.
Alternate Names for ChessersSuite include, but are not limited to:
- Purity Suite
- Not-Engineering Suite
- Alternate Bathroom Suite
- Fortress of DOOM!
- Suite of (n) Names also Suite of too many Names, I seem to recall
- Pay Ligand Xorn Suite
- Ding Suite
- Permafrosh Suite
- This is the name of this suite, which is also found several times in the suite itself.
- No Reason Atoll
- Sane (i.e. anyone inside was in sane)
The Guardians of ChessersSuite were:
- Micah the Furby (native Furbish name: "Wayloh"), the Guru of HUM
- HarvieHamster , the Guru of Physics
- AlexBobbs , the Guru of Biology
- DanielLowd , the Guru of Computer Science
- JoshMiddendorf , the Guru of Chemistry
- MicahSmukler , the Guru of Mathematics
- The Groody, and quite honestly, we don't want to know what it's the Guru of. (PE?)
We would list all the ChessersPlayers here but then it would take forever for you to load this page, especially if we included all the (former) PreFrosh we addicted.
Quotes that have appeared on whiteboards affiliated with ChessersSuite include the following:
Fall '00:
- "We've lost all our asexual people!"--RachelGabor
- "No-one from Mudd would say something so ridiculous."--AlexBobbs
- "Do not meddle in the affairs of Micahs, for you are crunchy, and, to within a first order Taylor approximation, fries."--JoshMiddendorf
- "The four people who end up in ChessersSuite get to have fun; everyone else just gets screwed."--RachelGabor
Spring '01:
- "Wait, this isn't a mental state! This is a sweatshirt!"--DanielLowd
- "Dude! If you drink the right potion, do you become a dragon wearing a t-shirt with a human on it?"--KimWallmark
- "And hate... leads to yes bananas."--RobAdams
- "And then we'd have carrot and pea and celery and Micah and Josh's laundry stew."--MicahSmukler
- "Oh, no! Not the PenGuins of Doom!"--AlexBobbs
- "I am a world expert at multiplying 1x1? matrices."--ProfessorRan
- "Both my right hands won't shake."--ProfessorMcCurdy
- "Blessed be the tensemongers, for they will have been going to have been inheriting the earth."--MicahSmukler/MarySullivan
- "...where Mama is Santa Claus"--VirginiaStoll
- "Of course, if I had any actual knowledge, I wouldn't be saying anything."--NickJohnson
- "We make if I don't have to lose so many tricks."--NickJohnson
- "Your logic is so circular it must be right."--StephGrush
- "I am a bear of very little brain today. Except I'm not a bear."--VirginiaStoll
Summer '01:
- "'Things' probably doesn't have very many anagrams. It's that whole one vowel thing."--MicahSmukler
- "An airplane is an antigravity engine, a balloon is an antigravity engine, a rocket is an antigravity engine, a stepladder is an antigravity engine. See how easy it is to make an antigravity engine?"--a silly book borrowed from the library by JoseluisEspinosa
- "It is well known that from a false statement anything follows. What if this were false?"--sci.math posting
Fall '01:
- "Clearly, I cannot choose the thingie in front of you."--RachelGabor
- "Juggling is harder than P-Chem."--MichaelVrable
- "I think it can safely be said that Rachel has a finite amount of tongue."--MicahSmukler
- "45 Biblical rabbits, please."--MarySullivan
- "We should find an easier frosh."--DanCicio
- "If, sir, you, sir, choose to choose, sir, with the Axiom of Choice, sir, do, sir."--DanielLowd
- "All silly things are nocturnal."--ArielBarton
- "I thing, I thung, I have thong."--MicahSmukler
- "So we need an army of English professors who are sworn to secrecy about everything they see."--MicahSmukler
- "My mom is a relative of me on my mother's side of the family."--ArielBarton
- "Always seven there are: a master, an apprentice, an apprentice's apprentice, an apprentice's apprentice's apprentice, an apprentice's apprentice's apprentice's mother-in-law, an apprentice's apprentice's apprentice's mother-in-law's cat, and some random guy who just won't go away."--MicahSmukler / AlexBobbs
- "I should have bid hearts. I was traumatized at the time."--VirginiaStoll
- "You're not the person I'm talking to."--ArielBarton
- "It took me 3 minutes. That's definitely polynomial time."--ProfessorRan
- "Could you, would you, with a sheep?"--AlexBobbs
- "But I like being Queen of Fairies."--NickJohnson (actually written across all eight whiteboards on the first-floor even side of EastDorm) (actually written twice, once across each set of eight whiteboards on both sides of the first floor of EastDorm)
- "Actually, I'm doing math right now, so dilemmas dt is positive."--MicahSmukler
- "I don't have a shirt. I'm too young to have a shirt."--ArielBarton
- "What color fingers am I holding up?"--MaryPeter
- "Cal's in Super Friday morning night afternoon lab."--MichaelVrable
Spring '02:
- "I've gone from way high to Waloh."--MicahSmukler
- "Might as well take it all off."--AlexBobbs
- "Alex's wild room of LOVE?"--the doorknob
- "Come visit, bring pants?"--JoshMiddendorf
- "We really should invest in some WD-40."--JoshMiddendorf
- "I wrote down Dante just for the hell of it."--StephGrush
- "This is your brain; this is your drain on bugs."--EdMiller
- "You mean time passes when I'm not in the graphics lab?"--AvaniGadani
- "They don't expect it to be passed around and done by 80 people. "--LizzieKadison
Summer '02
See also: ChessersExtended, ChessersParties, ChessersSuiteChecklist, ChessersLounge, AncientMyth