- This movie made me very unhappy when I watched it, partly perhaps because I wasn't in a bang-crash-boom action movie frame of mind but also because the only female character in the movie apparently existed only to be fucked by Brad Pitt (pardon my French, but this made me really sad). Who says only boys think our society sucks? Anyway, aside from that and the fact that they wussed out on going beyond the homoerotic subtext stuff, it was interesting and thought-provoking, which is good (I should perhaps emphasize that I really enjoyed the revolution-for-the-hell-of-it let's-fuck-shit-up aspects of the movie, as well as all the condemnation of mindless materialism and such, just not the fact that in its world there is apparently no way for women to do anything about the soulless and sucky aspects of our society and culture), and I'm interested in hearing what other people thought of it. -TracyvanCort
- I didn't think I was going to like this movie. I only ended up seeing it because Marcy guilted me (Well, sorta) into going down to Olympia in July(Yeah Capital Theatre! :->). But I REALLY REALLY liked this movie. It was NOT just the random macho beating up on each other that I had thought it was going to be, as I didn't actually know anythign about the movie going in to it. As BenZeckel mentioned above, it had all those, well, other things in it, that really provided the nice mind-fucking that I look for in a PavaMovie. I was very impressed by this movie. --JustinPava
- It was fine for KimEspinoza, although she did think it was a little too violent for her tastes. She doesn't think the ending was bad, like many others seem to think. She would recommend it as a movie people should see once.
- NickJohnson didnt like it because it was a platform for nihilism. ALso thought the main motivator for the plot was somewhat inane and well, silly (despite the violence). Liked the use of in/out of mind dichotomy, especially the transition from one to the other of one of the characters. Would say more, but then i'd ruin the movie (if i havent already). Let me just say that that was done well. SO i guess its just a slight disapproval of the movie in the end.
- AlexBobbs thought it was pretty good overall. Most of it was mediocre at best, but the surprise twist at the end was great and made the film worth watching. The filming was well-done and creative, and its challenging of materialistic society was good, even if the whole "Project Mayhem" subplot was about as implausible as they come.
- WillShipley was impressed by the ending, which shares the glory of TheSixthSense? in that one is able to watch the movie again and again to catch all the subtle nuances. He was, however, deeply disturbed by the destroy-everything-for-the-hell-of-it theme, and felt slightly sick during most of the movie. Certainly, something to see once and formulate opinions . . . it's just that Will's opinion is a distaste for the message behind the mind fuck. Either that, or I'm just tired of hearing all about how we're really dumb materialists. But that's another story.