A Former
ThirdFloorEastie EnglishMajor formerly from
PitzerCollege, seen gallavanting (gallavanting?) (gallavanting) about
EastDorm at various points throughout her freshman year. She has played two games of
StarCraft in her life and loved it. Heart owned by
ConorMcNassar, prefers dogs to cats.
- Pitzer would make it fourth floor, not third.
- Assuming you like that system.
- And it's three weeks into the semester and she hasn't shown her face around EastDorm, so one must wonder if she is still a ThirdFloorEastie.
- Yo kids, I transferred. TimeSuck should have transferred the memo!
- So that would be sixth or seventh floor eastie, depending on state, according to ThirdFloorEastie. Having not recieved the memo, I don't know which.