
don'tcha luv ur balloon chromosome???!!!

I *used to* have fun toys here: http://newton.st.hmc.edu/~wyvern/phptest/

Then everything went to hell, and I reinstalled, and haven't gotten php running again. I should fix that or something, and make it so that the menu for figlet fonts is automatically generated by l337 parsing hax0rage.

This page hasn't been updated in ages (monkeys, get to work!), but the following ascii is still most definitely the truth.

  __ _       _      _             _   _____ _                _       
 / _(_) __ _| | ___| |_   _____  | |_|___ /| |__   __      _/ |_ __  
| |_| |/ _` | |/ _ \ __| |_____| | __| |_ \| '_ \  \ \ /\ / / | '_  
|  _| | (_| | |  __/ |_  |_____| | |_ ___) | | | |  \ V  V /| | | | |
|_| |_|\__, |_|\___|\__|          \__|____/|_| |_|   \_/\_/ |_|_| |_|

Well, ok. I was once a frosh. Perhaps even a froshling. Now, I am a bitter sophomore.


I'm a frosh. I hate FroshChem. I'm writing this instead of working on a hum paper... yeah.

Member of TimeSuck 7 ( TimeSuck7 ). Codename: Barshall.

I have a lot of Simpsons and other stuff. I play Quake3.

OK, back to hum2.



- Finding out the FAFSA is due today

- Similarly, finding out the PROFILE is due today

- Discrete HW, because it's not done yet. Other than that, discrete is cool.

- DE's homework, because that's just an inherent quality of DE's.

- Physics. Bah.

- Hum reading. Do I really need to say more?

- Multi-V. It's not technically my homework, but it's still stupid.

- Marshall. Thanks, Dan.

- Suitemates. Revenge for above.

- 1337-5|@34|<


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Last edited February 2, 2004 19:31 (diff)