So write! Now! Add your comments to describe Seema for all eternity to the entire world!
--SquirrelArmy official report
She's got legs!!!! I've seen them!!!! It's all a conspiracy I tells you! A CONSPIRACY!!! -RobAdams
Hell, I've seen her play StripDrink?...she's got more than legs... -Anon
And now I've seen her play StripMarioParty? as well...and...yeah... -also Anon
I just want to know why she was made Bastion of Purity... it doesn't make sense. ExplodingHeadSyndrome.
That's really the point of being a Bastion of Purity, silly. You didn't honestly think KimEspinoza and PeterBoothe were really pure, did you? I mean, when JohnWalseth and IanSchempp ran for the East Dorm Presidency, a highlight of their platform (besides the promised herd of goats, which won them at least 30% of the vote) was the "Bastions of Purity? We think not." smear campaign. That was 2 years ago. To quote the slander posters, hello?
Oh my! I am really pure, I'll have you know. And so is Seema. She is also a Seamonkey. - KimEspinoza
Here they are, the BasicRulesofHumanInteraction --Seema