
The recently built (recent is a relative term -- AndrewFarmer) replacement for the FoothillApartments. Construction began summer 2003 and was scheduled for completion before fall 2004 (i.e., before people began moving in). Actually succeeded in that scheduling, too, in exactly the same way TheHoch didn't. It looks a fair amount like LindeDorm, except that each suite has its own kitchen, allowing non-frosh residents to go off the meal plan if they want. Additionally, Sontag has a faculty apartment, which was occupied by ProfessorSahakian from fall 2004 through spring 2006. ProfessorMartonosi is beginning her residence in the faculty apartment in fall 2006. Professor Bush was the Faculty in Residence in 2009-2010. After Prof. Bush's tenure as faculty in residence, the apartment was given to Michael Edwards, Residential Life Coordinator dude thing.

Construction of it was slowed over summer 2003 by townies' noise complaints, but the Man assured us it would be finished on time.

SontagDorm was opened to RoomDraw claims in spring 2004, causing the quad dorms to close later that year than previously or since (notably, EastDorm did not close at all, that year).

Notable residents in recent years include TreaSon (culminating in the SontagFirstFloorTreasonClusterFuck) and the SontagFrosh (culminating in the SontagFirstAndSecondFloorSontagFroshClusterFuck.

Apparently way way back in the day, when no booze or women was allowed on campus, well before SontagDorm existed, when Mills Ave. was still connected between Foothill and 12th St., the WaterTower? was still there, and students boarded up all of the windows tightly, ran extension cords from North, and had all of their "off-campus" parties inside there. This was according to someone who remembers going to school with Sontag. (also backed up by a North '65 resident)



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