Fall 2008 Schedule:
Fortress Mandates Day IDLERS: CIVILIZATION MATH061.1 Multivariable Calculus II M W F 09:00-09:50 HM Galileo Hall EDW BIO52.3 Carp Studies M W 11:00-12:15 HM Galileo Hall MCAL (Dabbling Wrestler) R 12:00-13:05 HM Thomas-Garrett Hall 201 PHYS51.9 Ettins M W 13:15-14:05 HM Thomas-Garrett Hall 201 and Magma Men T R 09:35-10:50 HM Galileo Hall MCAL (Proficient Marksdwarf) W 15:15-17:15 HM Jacobs Science Center B115 ENGR59.5 Plump Helmet Spawn T R 08:10-09:25 HM Galileo Hall MCAL SECTION A Large . M W 08:00-08:50 ???????????????????????????? ENGR08.1 Timothy Has Withdrawn from Society M W F 10:00-10:50 HM Parsons Engineering Bldg 1287 (or nearest tannery) ECN136.1 The Evans has altered the price of goods T R 13:15-14:30 HM Galileo Hall MCAL ITRG062 The Dungeon Master Has S 0:00-Early Tannery Imp - The Werewolves of Mini-forges Prohibited the Export of Duct Tape Items