This page keeps a record of the TV reservations in the
EastDormLounge. To make a reservation for the TV, be sure it doesn't conflict with any previous lounge reservation of any kind, and email east-dorm-l at least 15 minutes before you show it. If it is to be a recurring lounge res, please update the schedule below.
There is also a Gmail account for East Dorm Lounge with a calendar. However, it has fallen into disuse, as FunWiki is easier to check and edit.
This page has also fallen into disuse, perhaps since having large numbers of standing reservations is a BadIdea.
Spring 2008
- Friday morning, 12-2:30 AM: Friday Morning Movie
- Saturday, 7-9:30 PM: EDC Movie (Name perhaps no longer accurate -- AndrewTaylor)
- Sunday morning, 12-2:30 AM: Sunday Morning Chick Flick
Total weekly reservation time: 7.5 hours