I've posted the fragmentary FAQ-in-progress that I'll probably be working on off and on until the release of DW4. It may be found [here]. --AndrewSchoonmaker |
(Almost as embarassing was the fate of Zhang Man Cheng who somewhat belatedly attacked the castle from the south... Cao Hong might have been down there, but I think his army got beat up by a bunch of random Wei soldiers...)
Also, if you start in Sun Jian's army (I believe this is where free mode characters start as well) and don't kill Fan Chou (the guy on top of Fan Shui Gate), Cao Cao will take his own sweet time trying to shut down the supply gate at the top of the map. Most of his army will head south and deal with Fan Chou... eventually. However, generally Cao Cao is standing directly in the path of the ambush, when it shows up. If he has enough of a morale advantage (+2 stars is generally enough), he can and will stop the ambush by himself, presuming that you haven't finished Dong Zhuo [N.B. -- I'm sure that this is much harder to accomplish on Hard, due to the morale differences, not to mention Lu Bu...]
The battle can take some *very* interesting turns in Three, up to and including Zhuge Liang stopping Cao Cao's advance cold... It's also neat that Xu Huang/Dian? Wei's unit will play a sort of "read and react", deploying to reinforce Cao Cao's unit if needed and otherwise helping Zhang He should he need it. The bridge thing -- it's very odd that you can hold off Cao Cao's advance at the bridge when no Shu troops (yourself included) are in the same zip code...
The Wei side of Chang Ban, of course, suffers from none of these handicaps. The peasants will merrily escape even after you've killed their commanding officers, seemingly without going anywhere near the boats, and Liu Bei isn't shy about retreating, either. We won't discuss what Zhang Fei doing the bridge thing does to your morale... Still, with a character who can fight, the battle can still be won. With a character like Sima Yi... *shudder*
"Sun Qian's forces have lead the peasants to safety" ... where by "peasants", they mean "guard captains", and by "safety" they mean "the enemy playable hero". Still, whatever gives them morale... (rrr)