MarkKampe: Where'd you get that 33% from?
AndrewHunter: I pulled it out of my nether regions.
MarkKampe: In the industry we refer to those as "brown numbers."
MarkKampe: It may be that with 1 woman you can produce 1 baby in 9 months, but that does not mean that with 9 women you can produce 1 baby in 1 month. And if you don't have any women, you could have 100 men and you still won't produce any babies.
MarkKampe: First of all, I'm a whore. I've sold myself cheaper than you can believe.
MarkKampe: My policy is that if you can make me laugh long enough such that I don't have time to take points off, I give you full credit.
MarkKampe: You may assume my friend is a jerk. In fact, I have inside information that says just that.
MarkKampe: Most of life is just balancing between greed and fear.
MarkKampe: I'm not really a Nazi.
In a Colloquium presentation titled "(the demise of) Single System Image Transparency", Professor Kampe used the following introduction:
prolog: the sin of ambition
Friends, students, OS geeks, lend me your ears; I come [to] bury API level transparency, not to praise it. The follies of failed projects live after them; While their lessons are lost with their backups [ed: "backup tapes" as delivered]; So let it be with Single System Image. Experience hath told us this was an ambitious goal: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And grievously have they answer'd for it. I speak not to disprove this judgement. But here I am to speak what I do know. We did strive for this goal once, not without cause: What cause withholds us then, to learn their lessons?
MarkKampe: Does anyone want to tell me what the MTBF of a 4 year old girl is?
MarkKampe: "Those were psych undergraduates. That's different from 'people'."
[Was apparently in] an adult film titled "Still Insatiable".