What is CWIC-SoCal? 
The Celebration of Women in Computing - Southern California (CWIC-SoCal) brings together students, faculty, and industry to celebrate the contributions of women in computing.

Can men participate?

When will the conference start/end?
10AM April 14, 2012 - 2PM April 15, 2012

What does the conference cost?
External funding will cover most of the cost.  We anticipate the registration fee will be about $25, which includes food and lodging.

What if I don't know anything about computer science?
Then you really should come! You'll learn a lot.

Can I submit work that I've already submitted/has already been published in another conference?

Is there a template for the submissions?  Any guidance in what to submit?  
There is no template and not format to adhere to, as long as you stick to the document formats (Microsoft Word or PDF) and the specified page limit.  Use whatever format you feel most comfortable with.  You are welcome to use a format you've used for another conference.  As for the content, strong abstracts will clearly address what you will be presenting and why it would be of interest to this audience.

EasyChair asks for both an abstract and a submission.  Do I need to submit both?  What do I submit where?
You should submit your 1 or 2-page description of what you will present as your submission, not as the abstract EasyChair requests.  For the abstract EasyChair wants, simply describe your work in a few sentences.  These abstracts will not be reviewed, but will be used to help to assign your paper to reviewers.  The submission is the only thing we will review.  Please note that we will not be able to accept any submissions longer than the 1 or 2-page limit so you should not submit any document longer than that.