Call for Participation

Submission of talks, posters and demos is now closed.


Invitation to submit to the Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California!

The Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California (CWIC-SoCal) conference will be held April 14-15 at the Embassy Suites in Santa Ana, CA.   The purpose of this celebration is to bring together women from Southern California who are interested in computer science and information technology to network, learn, and have fun.  Attendees will include women at all stages of their education and careers, from high school through career-level.  Attendees early in their education will have the opportunity to find mentors and learn about careers and advanced education in computing, while those later in their education and careers will have the opportunity to share their work, mentor those just getting started, and meet new friends and colleagues.  

We invite the submission of proposals for participation in the following session categories:
presentations, lightning talks, posters and, demos

  • Student Presentations - We invite technical presentations from students at all stages of their education (high school, undergrad, or grad).  If you have been involved in a research project, internship, co-op, service-learning, or other interesting experience related to computer science or information technology, this is an opportunity to share that experience with others and perhaps inspire them to pursue similar opportunities.  Student talks will be approximately 15 minutes long.  Please submit a 2-page (max) description for your talk.  Note that EasyChair will ask you to submit both an abstract and a submission.  The abstract is just a short summary of your work which will not be reviewed.  The 2-page description should be uploaded as your submission.  Note that we will not be able to accept submissions longer than 2 pages.  Also, please indicate whether you are a graduate student or an undergraduate/high school student, as these two categories will be reviewed separately.  If your talk is not accepted for presentation, your abstract will automatically be reviewed for presentation as a lightning talk or a poster.   
  • Faculty/Researcher Presentations - We also invite technical presentations from faculty and researchers in academia and industry.  Come share a project new or old that will get people excited about CS.  These presentations will be approximately 20 minutes long.  Please submit a 2-page abstract for your talk.   Note that EasyChair will ask you to submit both an abstract and a submission.  The abstract is just a short summary of your work which will not be reviewed.  The 2-page abstract should be uploaded as your submission.  Note that we will not be able to accept submissions longer than 2 pages.
  • Lightning Talks - We invite short "lightning talks" from anyone who is interested.  These talks are about 5 minutes long, designed to highlight something cool you've done, an idea you've had, or whatever else gets you bingo excited about computing.  Lightning talks are less formal than presentations, and they are your opportunity to talk about whatever you think is interesting.  Please submit a 1 page (max) description of your talk.  Note that EasyChair will ask you to submit both an abstract and a submission.  The abstract is just a short summary of your work which will not be reviewed.  The 1-page description should be uploaded as your submission.  Note that we will not be able to accept submissions longer than 1 page.
  • Posters and Demos - We invite posters from all students.  Have you worked on an interesting project at school? It's easy to do a poster. Share your ideas and experiences with others.   If your project is interactive, we encourage you to also bring a demo.  Please submit a one-page description (abstract) of your project or research.   Note that EasyChair will ask you to submit both an abstract and a submission.  The abstract is just a short summary of your work which will not be reviewed.  The 1-page description should be uploaded as your submission.  Note that we will not be able to accept submissions longer than 1 page.  Please indicate whether or not you have a demo, and if so, what resources you will need (power, table, etc.) to give your demo.
In addition, if you have an idea for a Panel or a Workshop for the conference, please send email directly to the Program Chairs (Christine Alvarado and Jenn Wortman Vaughan) at the address describing your idea using the subject "CWIC-SoCal Panel/Workshop idea".

All submissions must be in PDF or Microsoft Word format and should be submitted via the EasyChair system at this link.  If you do not have an EasyChair account, you will need to create one before you submit.  Submissions are not anonymous.  The deadline for submissions is Monday, January 23, 2012. Participants will notified by March 1, 2012.

If you have questions, please contact the Program co-Chairs:
Dr. Christine Alvarado,
Dr. Jenn Wortman Vaughan,