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2 April 2008

I just noticed that my page changes were never properly updated, so I am submitting all of my backlogged modifications now as well as a few minor fixes around the site.

8 January 2008

Remember that last post? Yeah. I decided to apply for work in the Game Industry and today I accepted an offer to further develop one of my mathematically based game concepts with a local Munich based firm. We hope to finish it and have it on the shelves in time for Christmas this year! More information will be made available as it is develops.

17 October 2007

While in the midst of designing a game development framework to house some of my latest concepts, I had a moment of enlightenment. I have always designed and programmed mathematically based games as a hobby on the side of my real world obligations. However, if I love playing games and I love making games, then would it not follow logically that I would love to work in the Game Development Industry?

11 July 2007

The Graduate Office at the Mathematisches Institut has finally notified me that I have successfully earned a shiny, new Master's Degree. Now may begin the long, soul-searching quest towards finding my purpose in life. In other words, should I continue pursuing Graduate work in Cryptography or in Computer Graphics or rather embrace the work place as my new shrine.

2 April 2007

I recently submitted the final version of my Master's Thesis for review! As most Graduate students have undoubtedly discovered, writing a Thesis is a very bitter-sweet experience. You start out attempting to produce a ground-breaking work, but soon realize that any incremental improvement to an established technique is a reasonable achievement. In the end, as the dead-lines draw nearer, you inevitably resign yourself to the fact that merely completing the Thesis is a worthy goal.

10 December 2006

Yet another Christmas Season is approaching and again it is too expensive to go home and visit my family. As a concession to myself, I am traveling to Scotland and Ireland over Christmas. On the Master's Thesis front, I am still researching into the topic with high hopes of starting the arduous process of writing once back from my trip.

25 September 2006

Huzzah! After two months of intense studying, I just passed my last oral exam for my Master's program. Now, the only task remaining between my Graduate studies and Real-lifeTM is to finish writing my Master's Thesis. The focus of my work is on the bit security of the discrete logarithm. Hopefully, Oktoberfest will not distract me to much from this last task.

22 June 2006

Well, it has been quite a few exciting weeks here due to the World Cup 2006 being held in Germany. Unfortunately, the US team lost against Ghana today. At least I can still root for Germany as it looks like they have a chance to take home First Place.

24 April 2006

The weather is finally getting sunny here in Munich! I am therefore taking advantage of this unique opportunity to drink some of the finest German beers while lounging in the lovely and relaxing Englischer Garten. Thus, although my visualization program Lichtspiel is not feature complete, I have decided to consider it finished for the time being.

16 January 2006

I fixed some annoying browser rendering bugs in my CSS and XHTML and I updated my resume to reflect my recent switch from Mathematical Logic to Cryptography as the subject of my Graduate work. I also added some new photos of Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. Most exciting of all, my music Visualization program has reach a stable state and, thus, I made a new section on this site for it: Lichtspiel.

rmcknigh@cs.hmc.edu Mon May 12 05:34:35 2008