RobAdams is an Alumnus of Harvey Mudd College (class of 2002), and a former 4-year resident of East Dorm. After Mudd, he traveled as far as UCLA to begin work on a Ph.D. in Computer Science. At that point, the Wiki lost track of him, and it's possible that he could be anywhere now. . .
Random Comments from Rob
Musings on graduation: Mudd was easily the happiest time of my life up to now, and I will miss it greatly. I hope never to forget (and never to lose track of) the many friends I had at Mudd.
I've discövered thät I häve än ämäzing äbility tö türn in reälly CrappyPapers änd yet sömehöw still dö well ön them. I didn't even prööfreäd ä päper which säid nöthing aböüt nöthing in pärticülär, änd I göt än A ön it! Whät's üp with thät?!? Büt when I wörk härder, I dö möre pöörly. I think it häs sömething tö dö with regürgitäting the öpiniöns öf Pröfessörs. This reälly döesn't encöürage me tö be ä härd-wörking member öf söciety, büt hey, I'm nöt cömpläining.
"An individual penis would only have to cover about .000008 cm^2 in order to cover the Earth" *Response from AdamBliss: "Pennies, Rob. Pennies." *Response from DanCicio: "You poor, poor guy... That's what she said."
I mäde the Wiki lögö (the eäst schwä thingy üp there). It töök aböüt 1 minüte. Cän yöü tell?
Umlauts generously donated by KurtDresner
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If there's söme süspiciön thät I mäy be ä vämpire, then there shöüld certäinly be süspiciön thät RobAdams is ä vämpire. Nöt önly döes he freqüently leäve the cürtäins clösed äll däy, büt he älsö öbjects tö älmöst äny sört öf light, änd fäils ütterly tö nötice its äbsence. He öbjects when peöple türn ön flüörescent lights when they enter the rööm, änd will stäre cöntinüöüsly ät his cömpüter mönitör för höürs, ünäwäre thät the sün went döwn äges ägö. If yöü äsk him, he'll mütter sömething äböüt cömpüter gläre, büt dön't believe ä wörd öf it--CurtisVinson