Not to be confused with StripITR
?ing (remove an item of clothing for each credit you drop?).
ItrGames, but with less clothing. Oft discussed, never yet (to my knowledge) played.
- Actually, I'm almost certain these *have* been played, just fact, even BeforeIWasBorn?.--DanCicio
- My frosh year there was a session of special ITR games down at the wash which included strip tag. Believe me when I tell you that there are very few things more terrifying than being chased by naked alumni while running bare-foot through freezing cold wet grass in near-pitch-black darkness. Yeah, those were the days. Or, day. Or, night, as the case may be.--AlexBobbs See RobPrestezog -- AvaniGadani
- What is this "the wash" you speak of?
- It's a field down at Pomona
Several variations have been proposed:
Bare Skin Armor
All exposed skin is armored, clothing is not. You choose how vulnerable you want to be. There might need to be a minimum of required clothing to prevent invulnerability.
- Honestly, I think if you are invulnerable, you have probably earned it. Moreover, I suspect that anyone who would be invulnerable will largely need not be concerned about being stabbed since all other parties will be far too engaged in covering their eyes or screaming "ahhhhh my eyes" to participate in any of the said stabbing. - DonNy
Decaying Armor
Clothing is armor, but it is destroyed (removed) when hit.
Happyville and Random (strip variant)
Some Happyville and Random characters could be edited to involve stripping. "'Palm attack: remove an item of clothing'"
Clothing Lives
You have a number of lives equal to the number of articles of clothing you are wearing. Each time you're killed, you return to the graveyard, remove one article, and leave it there, then come back to life. In order to prevent the psycho killers' identities from being quickly discovered, one could only be a psycho during certain numbered lives. (i.e. "You're not a psycho now, but you will be after the third time you die and not after the fifth.")
- That bit could be done similarly to Happyville and Robin with a Twist. Additionally, practical limitations (i.e. number of cards) could ensure that people don't get overly naked. --MartinPyne
- Where would be the fun in that?
- In not seeing Easties naked, of course.
This variant would be even more interesting with a necromancer added in.