Previous EDC ossifers have included MattKeeter, CoreyLoescher, TrystanKoch, JayMarkello, JonathanBeall, MorganConbere, RichardGarfinkel, MaxPfluger?, LoriThomas, BenjAzose, EricAngell, GeoffRomer, CubeSchnaider, EricBrown, CubanJon?, KevinEustice, AbiKritzer?, and GeoffFinger? (others?). EDC's history stretches back into the age of AncientMyth, although it does not have any prominent role in the mythological canon. We recently discovered, in EdcStorage, a box of ancient EDC stuff, including receipts older than the ossifer who found them (EricAngell). According to the records contained therein, EDC used to buy $40 of donuts at least once a month, and once bought the entire dorm tickets to see "The Phantom of the Opera". (No, we're not doing that anymore. We're broke.)
Contrary to popular belief, EastDormConcessions is not an embezzlement racket run by CubeSchnaider. At least, not anymore.
To request movies, put them at EDCMovieRequests?.