JackMa now lives in Santa Monica doing his software development internship at Hulu, LLC.
JackMa was a FrOsh in Sontag 101 (aka the PresidentialSuite?) with JacobBandesStorch, EricAleshire (AaronGable first semester), BenJones, and JoshuaEhrlich. JackMa lived in East 103 (aka TimeCube) with PaNts in the Fall semester of sophomore year, then in BudaPest? with JacobBandesStorch in the Spring semester of sophomore year.
- Within 8 months (October 2011 - June 2012) JackMa has been to/on 10 countries, 3 continents, 3 conferences, and 26 flights.
A Math-CS Joint major.
- (November 2010 to Present) HMC ComputerScience department, CS5, CS60, CS42 Tutor/Grader?
- (May 2011 to October 2011) SBU FSL, Research
- (June 2012 to August 2012) Hulu, Internship
- (October 2011) SOSP 2011 in Portugal
- (February 2012) FAST 2012 in San Jose
- (June 2012) ACM Turing Centenary Celebration in San Francisco
Signature Collections
- Donald Knuth (June 2012)
- Vint Cerf (June 2012, "First Electronic Signature" for him)
- Stephen Cook (June 2012)
- March 30, 2011 - ProfessorONeill hashed JackMa into the integer 3.
- June 2, 2011 - the day before SummerMath finals, JackMa spent 5 hours printing 70 hot pink SummerMathTshirt? instead of studying.
- August 27, 2011 - Hurricane Irene made JackMa HomeLess? - so JackMa took the last flight out of Long Island back to MuddHappyLand?
- July 4 - Mathcamp at Mount Holyoke
- August 8 - Summer Institute at Mudd
- August 31 - Fall Semester at Mudd
- December 19 - Winter Break in Georgia
- January 16 - Spring Semester and Summer Math at Mudd
- June 5 - Research at Stony Brook University
- June 25 - 26 House of EmilyQuinnFinney? with AdamParower?
- July 3 Manhattan with AdamParower? and LydiaJahl?
- August 6 - 7 Beach with SamGutekunst
- August 27 - Fall Semester at Mudd
- October 21 - 27 SOSP in Portugal
- December 19 - Winter Break in Taiwan
- January 7 - 9 Kinmen county, Taiwan
- January 15 - Spring Semester at Aquincum Institute of Technology in Budapest with JacobBandesStorch
- February 11 - 18 FAST '12 in Santa Clara, United States
- February 25 - 26 Vienna, Austria
- March 16 - 19 Belgium (Brussels, Bruges, Ghent)
- March 24 - 31 Italy (Rome, Naples, Pompeii, Florence, Pisa)
- April 7 - 8 Miskolc, Hungary; Tokaj, Hungary
- April 28 - May 6 England (London, Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, Bath); Ireland (Dublin, Dingle, Killarney)
- May 18 - 22 Prague, Czech Republic
- June 1 - Summer Internship at Hulu in Santa Monica
- June 14 - 17 ACM Turing Celebration in San Jose, United States
JackMa: Have you seen Geoff's facebook page?
pants: No, is it cool?
JackMa: It's juicy as fuck.
Videos He Should Watch
TV Shows
Videos Watched
Fall 2010
Spring 2011
- Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
- Megamind
- The Truman Show
- Pulp Fiction
- Sunshine
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Summer 2011
- Doctor Who (Season 27 to current)
- First three seasons of Family Guy (The rest of them sucks)
- Matrix I, II, III
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- The Big Bang Theory (Season 1 to current)
- Lord Of The Rings
- Sherlock (TV Series)
- Pan's Labyrinth
- Source Code
- Ink
- Tangled
- Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
Fall 2011
- Doctor Who
- Big Bang Theory
- Sherlock
- The Dark Knight Rises
Spring 2012
Summer 2012
- Desperate Housewives
- Prometheus