This is one of those things that's basically what it sounds like. It's a calendar. It features the Men of East. Naked. Maybe. Depending on the man.
Thank you.
- January
- February -- This is the month which contains President's Day.
- March -- BrianYoung, showing off his love for speakers by working the stand like a stripper pole.
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August -- JonathanBeall, letting the world see his 15" of Apple glory.
- September
- October
- November
- December -- DanCicio and Stumpy Claus, intimately entangled. Complete with Christmas lights!
Volunters with Currently Unassigned Months and Only Vaguely Defined Gimmicks:
- AlejoEnriquez, doing something with duct tape. Uh, yeah, duh.
- ChrisErickson, doing something with computers.
- ErikShimshock, doing something with his "unicyle" or maybe his "crutch," to quote directly.
Alums who volunteered when they weren't:
Other Possible Volunteers:
- Um, if you really want me, and I think you *don't*, I guess I'm available. Hmm... this would be a good time for the NetHack porn :). -AdamField
- We want everyone! Especially you and your sultry @! --MacKenzieStuart
- Alright, consider me volunteered then, I suppose.
- The NearlyEmptyPagesNazi (assuming he can be photographed, which has not been proven)
- Your name here!