Assign yourselves to a month: (there can be more than one man to a month)
* January - EthanSokol * February - MattKeeter * March - TrystanKoch * April - MikeBuchanan * May - MorganConbere * June - EricLangman * July - RichardMehlinger & JulianEvans * August - AlexHagen * September - AlexMcAuley & MatthewLawson * October - BobChen * November - MichaelNoback & DanMoore * December - DmitriSkjorshammer * Caturmonth - JacobScott
A Nice Looking Roster of Men In chronological order of volunteering:
* BenJencks * MatthewLawson * StevenSloss? * JonathanLitz? * RichardBowen * AdamField * KevinYeung
This is looking to be one hott calendar.