Member of
Majors: HiStory
? and
AIM: TallNapoleon
GradSchool: UCRiverside, in European History
? Character: Miyamoto Isoruku--any Mudders interested in trying EVE out should hit me up for advice, ISK, and piracy :)
Once (and occasionally still) known as FroshRichard?, RichardMehlinger graduated in 2009, thus becoming a SketchyAlum and beginning his move into the RealWorld. By this he means living with his parents for the summer while working at LaserFiche, and then attending UC Riverside to study modern EuropeanHistory? (in its broadest terms, 1789-1945). Although he has successfully obtained a single on-campus apartment, he would still love to know about any other Mudders at Riverside, and will likely be coming back somewhat frequently for ITRGames and BluesDancing.
As of summer 2011 he has completed his MA in European History, and has been hired by SpirentCommunications?, where he will work with KevinOelze.
Another nickname Frosh seem to have attached to him is Richy despite the chases and subsequent poke attacks that occur.
- Frosh should also know Mehlinger is extremely ticklish as well.
Also, he has recently begun playing WoW. It's tragic, I know, but quite fun too. Worse, he has been playing EVE for three years.
- Named DormShowerable? and DormImperial? Eastmas '05. Why, he can only guess...
- Isn't it obvious? You are Dorm Showerable because you like showering everything that moves, much to the dismay of your RoomMate, since you have a habit of using our shower and not putting things back. And you are Dorm Imperial because you are the only one who has the bust of an Emperor in your room (at least, as far as I know) -- DavidLapayowker
- He's also one of very few people I can think of who regularly volunteer to be showered as a recreational activity. --FrancesHocutt
Sponsor for class of 2010 and 2011!
- "Let it be written that I am an ass."
- "I was trying to be assistful."
- "So, how do I play with my member?"
- Ok, to be fair, he was talking about a prolog function. But it's still funny.
- "You have good looks, but not as good as my sister."
- "It's not that I'm blind, it's just that I have no taste."
- "I have wood for anything!" (frustrated during a game of SettlersOfCatan)
- What kind of frustration? That one really sounds like sexual frustration. -KevinOelze
- I was frustrated that the cruel, cruel world keeps getting between us, Kevin. But no longer... roommate.
- Sorry, David. I'm keeping Hendrik.