Stephanie is a
MathBio major in the class of 2012. She:
- is very pokeable / ticklish.
- is pleasantly insane.
- This is arguable. Well, the pleasantness.
- enjoys GoldStars?.
- is a GrandMa?, and should be treated as such. Be careful not to break her fragile bones.
- successfully washed, restuffed, and sewed StuMpy after 2 years of him being dead. He's baaaaaaack!!! <3
- has a weak and strong PatriNumber.
- occasionally sets up a HotTub in the CourtYard?.
- originated the We No Speak Americano Dance. (See AbigailJaneGregory, AudreyMusselmanBrown, and KatyAnderson.)
Dorm Things:
- Had a SingleDouble her frosh year (apparently roomed with KymLouie?)
- Roomed with NikkiPeck in East 164 her sophomore year (Party F!!)
- Roomed with NikkiPeck in East 166 her junior year (power corner!)
- Lived in East 176 her senior year (ProctorSuite!)
Purity Score:
- Fall 2008: 87.6
- End of Frosh Year: 74.0
- Fall 2009: 65.8
- End of Sophomore Year: 57.8
- Fall 2010: 56.4
- Fall 2011: 52.4 (ish)
Votings at Eastmas:
- 2008: Dorm Grandma and Dorm Oops
- 2009: Dorm Noodle and Dorm Take-A-Good-Look
- 2010: Dorm Likes-it-Rough and Dorm Probably-Not-A-Dildo
- 2011: Dorm Tied-Up and Dorm Midlife-Crisis