ChrisFerguson is a member of the class of 2011, making him a senior in the '10-11 school year. He is an engineering major, and somehow he has been focusing on EE (how'd that happen??). Come bother him sometime--he usually isn't doing anything important. Chris is the
EastDormProctor for the '10-'11 school year.
In '07-08, he lived in East 105 with AlexMcAuley.
In '08-09, he lived in East 116 with DanMoore.
In '09-10, he lived in East 116 with DanMoore.
In '10-11, he lived in East 176.
Some Brief Facts:
Things I've heard people say about Chris: (written by not Chris, on behalf of Chris. Thanks for being awesome Chris!)
- "He's like a big cuddly teddy bear. We love him."
- "Chris gives the best hugs." (from a hug connoisseur)
- "He's is the greatest proctor ever. He's awesome. We're all gonna miss him next year."
- "Chris has been enormously helpful in making me feel at home in EastDorm" (from a frosh)
- "I've contemplated kidnapping Chris on several occasions so I can keep him around forever."
- "The general consensus is that Chris is a great person. Any objections?" (followed by no objections).
- "I heard he once punched a bear" (a well-informed person).
- "He is great in bed!" (from a person who would know).
Number of People at His High School Having His Name:
Number of Mudders He Recruited From His High School:
Farthest Distance Traveled While Being Showered:
- Pitzer Hammocks
- Note that I took pity on everyone at that point, and then returned to EastDormLounge. And then tricked people into showering me in my own room.
- Also note that I was the only one to run after him all the way to Pitzer and back. -CoreyLoescher
- From what I hear, you merely accompanied him to Pitzer, and then the both of you walked back together. -StephanieLevins
- The story must have been slightly confused; I chased Chris for a while, Chris took a breather and decided to start walking (after all, I couldn't exactly carry Chris back myself). I decided to call another frosh in the lounge, at which point Chris took off running from Pitzer back to Mudd.
- I started walking once I was out of sight of everyone but Corey. He kept following me and trying to call in the cavalry, but they were busy with the presidents. I started walking back to Mudd once I made it to the Pitzer hammock, because that seemed like a good place to turn around. I made it back to the far side of the President's house before any help was coming in. I waited until I could tell which direction they were going around the house, then ran back into the lounge the other way, avoiding all of the showerers. I then sat down in the lounge, looking quite out of breath. Several people thought I had already been showered, until a giant mob appeared saying "NO HE HASN'T!!!".
Number of Head-Punches owed to MattKeeter:
- 1
- Wait, what did I do this time? -MattKeeter
- I thought I still owed you one from Clinic?
- Context: we had a synchronous memory array that was spitting things out one cycle too late. MattKeeter's clever idea was to pass the array an inverted clock. Chris anticipated this, upon hearing Matt say that he had a "clever idea".
Frequent caller of FridayMorningMovie.
He comes from the Pacific Northwest, probably the most awesome place to live (for those who care, he hails from Bainbridge Island... aka NearSeattle?). He enjoys rain very much, and wishes there was more of it in Claremont. He also enjoys living somewhere with weather, and where the mountains are snow-covered and visible on days with no clouds.
Chris is fond of Rubik's Cubes, SettlersOfCatan, and ConTact?. Chris prefers a different set of rules for ConTact? than most of the dorm, but for the time being at least, he has accepted the fact that he has to play by the currently accepted EastDorm rules.
Go Play FunwikiContact!
Chris is a frequent player of MagicTheGathering.
Inventor of the MetalAccelerator?. If you don't know what this is, ask him for a demonstration.
- Warning! A demonstration of this may be too metal for the common person. Consult your physician before attempting to ask him for a demonstration.
Helped construct and pilot the EDS MightyWanderer.
Despite belief to the contrary, is not be EricLangman. (Very important to note)
Participated in the FnordCompletionRun.
Is terrible at unlocking the bathroom door. You'll know when this happens because MattKeeter will shout "CHRIS! BATHROOM!" from around the corner.
Music Chris Will Play Loudly In His Room:
- 65daysofstatic
- Explosions In The Sky
- Radiohead
- Andrew Bird
- Rob Dougan
- Godspeed You! Black Emperor
- Brian Eno
- Electric Six
- The Arcade Fire
- Lemon Jelly
- DJ Shadow
- The Decemberists
- Yndi Halda
Video Games Chris Enjoys And Wishes He Has More Time For (Single Player):
Video Games Chris Will Try To Beat You In (MultiPlayer?):
- Dystopia
- EnemyTerritories?
- DefCon?
- SoulCaliber? {2,3,4}
- SuperSmashBrosBrawl
- NightFire?
- TeamFortress2?
- NewSuperMarioBrosWii? (given how it is played in the lounge, I'll count it as competitive)
- Altitude
Other Games Chris Owns or Plays:
- Settlers of Catan
- Stratego (cheap knockoff version!)
- Set
- Munchkin
- Playing Cards (Euchre, Hearts)
- Bananagrams
- Fluxx
- Scottland Yard
- Dominion
- Agricola
Shows Chris Enjoyed Watching (And You Might Too!):
- DoctorWho (9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors)
- Gargoyles
- Clone High
- Batman Beyond
- MacGyver?
- Avatar: The Last Airbender
- TheVentureBros?
- Batman: The Animated Series
- Burn Notice
- How I Met Your Mother
- Futurama
- Human Target
Shows Chris Enjoys Waching, Foreign Language Edition!:
- Samurai Champloo
- Darker Than Black {1,2}
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- Baccano!
- Full Metal Panic!
- Code Geass
- Cowboy Bebop
Comics Chris Has Enjoyed Reading:
- Watchmen
- Transmetropolitan
- Sandman
- Deadpool
5 Books you should read, in no particular order:
- Perdido Street Station by China Mieville.
- Essentially a cross between semi-steampunk and fantasy, as a genre dubbed "New Weird" by the author. Chris owns the two sequels to this book (The Scar and Iron Council), but the books are not plot-dependent on each other. Incentive to read the Scar: the major setting of the book is a giant floating pirate city made of ships lashed together. The city is ruled by several different factions, including a couple who ritually scar each other, and a vampire who collects a 'blood tax' from his citizens. And the most bad ass of all, Uther Doul, a warrior poet who wields the Might Blade.
- House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.
- More of an experience than just a novel, House of Leaves (a novel) is a story told through at LEAST 4 different levels at all times. Also, the typesetting is quite interesting. See this [xkcd] to get a better picture, or the [TVTropes] page to get a bit more of a summary.
- Hyperion by Dan Simmons.
- This is a far-future science fiction book that is essentially short stories detailing the lives of 7 pilgrims as they embark on a journey to the Time Tombs and the Shrike. It has a very well fleshed out world, a variety of styles in the stories, many converging timelines, and a 3 meter tall indestructable machine from the future made out of blades, spikes, and razor wire that can stop time. Also read Fall of Hyperion; Endymion and Rise of Endymion, two more sequels, can be read or not read as you choose.
- Dune by Frank Herbert.
- Chris has heard of too many people who haven't read this book. Go read it now. Read the sequels until you get weirded out.
- Also, note: Frank Herbert, while alive, lived on Bainbridge Island (where Chris is from), as does Brian Herbert, his son. This is why Chris has a signed copy of Dune: House Corrino (quality of the book notwithstanding).
- Otherland: The City of Golden Shadow by Tad Williams.
- A sort of fusion of science fiction and fantasy, much of the action of this book (and the entire series) takes place in a highly advanced virtual world, where the main characters are unwillingly drawn into what is essentially someone else's sandbox world. It is hard to describe, but a fun read.
If you finish those:
- The Stand by Stephen King.
- The Dark Tower series by Stephen King (staring with The Gunslinger).
- Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.
- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.
- Neuromancer by William Gibson.
- Godel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter.
- The Darkness that Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.
- Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.
(Chris has many, but not all, of these books with him. Come ask if you are interested)
Recommend books for Chris here (Please!):
- Water for Elephants
- Mew Noon .... <.< >.>
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