With Honor, But Without Glory

From: Agent Carl
To..: Cells H,I,J,K
Subj: Welcome to Delta Green
Sent: 18:59 PST 08/17/98 (Last modified)

I'm sure that your past experiences have brought you to the point where you were willing to join us in what is the single most important conflict in human history. The forces that we face daily are tremendous and inhuman in scope and power. The battle that rages often appears to be utterly futile, and for all we know, it may be. But that is no excuse to lie down and take this meekly, and so long as there is one operative or agent alive and struggling, Delta Green will continue to protect the United States of America, its citizens, and the American Way from all threats and dangers regarding the paranormal. While it is because of your prior experience that you have joined our ranks, the lack of any kind of background training has cost us horrendously in terms of knowledgeable and valuable personnel. Only recently have you all passed your recent initiation operations, and as such, you are fully entitled to benefit from the wealth of knowledge that the agents who previously occupied your positions discovered shortly before their deaths. Hopefully, you will not succumb in the same circumstances.

Best of luck, & remember, this is one club you never get to quit.

-Agent Carl


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Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is ™ and © the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this document are © Jonathan Hsu, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.

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