"Deep beneath the earth and waves, there are things for whom a milennia is but a blink of the eye."

Explore a massive Wilderness

Aengvold offers a world that is over 6 million rooms large, containing hugely varied terrains. Characters who are not specially trained may slowly lose their bearings in the vast tracts of land, requiring the use of landscape markers, a compass, or tracking. Terrain ranges from dense urban sprawl in the human cities surviving the Great Winter, to desert, jungle, dark forests, endless grass plains, high frozen mountains and steep hills. Discover iron deposits, salt, rare woods, gold, silver. Map oasises and ponds throughout leagues of inhospitable wilderness. The forests and jungles of Aengvold are host to teeming throngs of bears, lions, tigers, deer, and other wild animals. Legends spoken in whispers tell of darker things best left unsaid, lurking deep in the dark forests where no man has trod since the Rain of Fire.

Rebuild an Empire

It has only been seventy years since the Great Winter, when the seasons disappeared from the land for almost five score years. Then came the wars with the return of the seasons. Over twenty years of war between three proud lands ruined their peoples. Aengvold allows players unlimited freedom to alter the world around them. Cut down trees and permanently turn dense woodlands into fertile farmland. Construct cabins, stores, and even castles. Raise motte and baileys, and mine the earth for salt, iron and gold. Combined with successful exploration for the most profitable locations, players can attempt to corner the mercantile trade on such vital necessities such as fresh water, iron, salt, and other goods.

Rule with Glove or Gauntlet

All of Aengvold's peoples and lands are player run. The king of each land, his nobility, and many of the commanding generals and advisors are all flesh and blood players. Against a history of blood feuds and ancient rivalries, each kingdom seeks its own agenda. Not only must each land contend with its neighbors in the aftemath of two bloody wars, but many rivalries inside each kingdom have been simmering for long centuries. Players who engage in politics must choose between supporting their liege and land, or giving their loyalty to their people's honor and ancient feuds.

Wage War on an Epic Scale

Players who choose to enter the world as professional men at arms are granted the rights of leadership as their characters become proficient not only in close combat, but also in the arts of directing others. Learn not only the hand to hand arts of war, but also leadership and tactics. Granted titles and powers by their kings and emperors, these captains and generals are given the right to recruit, organize, and lead armies of NPC soldiers in the name of their lands. Give orders to NPCs and have them obey the commands like players. Morale, fatigue, formations, and cavalry are all implemented by Aengvold. Use the right of arms to settle old feuds, conquer your enemies, and battle the unhuman Others, the Animals that Walk, mankind's ancient enemies.

Discover an ancient Past

The world of Aengvold was ancient before the Great Winter and the Rain of Fire. Characters who choose the path of religion or academics will not only be advisors to their kinds and queens, but can also travel with exploration parties to ruined cities and other locales. Decipher ancient scripts and murals to find out Aengvold's hidden past. Unlock arcane secrets, and discover the key behind the recent invasions of the Others into human lands. Beware knowledge, for truth unadultered can shatter a weak mind.