"Aengvold is an everchanging world. Check here for rumors and gossip as the world changes!"

November 21st, 2002

Web Site
Installed Apache 2.0.43 on the second development machine. We now have a second copy of the website running at Pretty soon, all requests to www.cs.hmc.edu should be redirected to our machines, which are somewhat faster and more reliable since we do not service an entire college network.


November 18th, 2002

Web Site
Added in the Guild features page. There is a lot of neat stuff in here that we feel was ignored or glossed over by most games in an effort to get out the door.

Also added in EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot as sources in the sources page. Most other sources have also been linked.

Optimized images to be even smaller, and added in a few more landscapes to be displayed with the left nav menu.


November 16th, 2002

Web Site
Added in the new Eastern history page and added shields to the Armors page. Few mods to the sources page. We also realized we're going to need to have individual weather and climate pages for each realm, since a single centralized one would not do each realm justice.


November 14th, 2002

Web Site
The Southern races page has been updated to contain more cultural flair. Historical data about the Southern Khaliphate has instead been moved to the Southern history page. Also, the weapons page has been updated with some new weapons.


November 13th, 2002

Web Site
Updated several pages, including developers, the Northern races, the Northern history, and the Southern races. In addition, added in the new weapons page and the Southern history page.

Also optimized the most commonly used images, reducing them to 10%-50% of their original size.


November 10th, 2002

Technical Issues
Development continues on the code base to run Aengvold. Due to limitations in the LPC programming language, the developers opted to write their own network driver and data format to implement Aengvold. At this time, the driver is halfway completed. World data still needs to be converted from LPC into the new compiled java format.


September 4th, 2002

Technical Issues
Aengvold is officially reborn again after a hiatus in development. Combat system is being worked on using LPC's fuzzy method declaration "features". Problems still crop up due to the lack of any informative error messages and LPC's treatment of undefined functions as the integer value "zero".