"The glorious history of the oldest and most advanced civilization in the entire world."

AR stands for After the Rain of Fire
BR stands for Before the Rain of Fire

~300 BR
The Mughal Hordes conquer the ancient Xian empire through two decades of war. Although the Mughal are clearly victorious, they are unwilling to destroy the Xian's magnificant cities and their significant learning achievements. Also unwilling to give up their nomadic lifestyle, the Mughal effectively become the warrior caste of a new Empire, leaving the Xian to fill specialized roles.

0 AR
The Rain of Fire ends. What was once a lush and fertile jungle is reduced to smoldering ash as burning metal rains from the sky and magma seeps through the earth. Mountains are leveled and lakes dry up. The Prophet and his line hide in a series of caves near what will become the largest of the oasises in the Great Basin.

~ 10 AR
Some of the knowledge of the First Men is preserved in the books and scrolls hidden by the line of the Khalif Prophet. He uses these to slow down the advance of barbarism, although much of the wisdom is lost. While the men of the Line can memorize the books, fewer and fewer still learn what it really means. The Almohads of the newly formed Great Basin begin creation of their oral history to preserve their memories of the Rain.