He's a fine kid. Some of the neighbors say he smokes crack, but I don't believe it. -- TheDeadMilkmen
Shamik, like the entire nation of Japan, is insane. But it's a good kind of insane. A founding member of FunBallSuite and SmashieSmashieShmc, as well as a future inhabitant of ExileSuite (read about the NapalmIncident to find out why).
I'm sorry, but I can't put on chapstick AND score at the same time. - Shamik
We do not want Shamik to get his hands on a bazooka -- RobAdams
oh but we do... think of all the annoying things that could be gotten rid of in a jiffy, with no skin off your nose, if shamik had a bazooka... -- LucasBaker, member of the coalition to oppose ShamikShmc
...Shamik himself, more than likely... (whether directly or though violating local, state, and federal laws (as well as school policy) is anybody's guess)...