
Difference (from prior minor revision) (author diff)

Added: 2a3,4
For electronic stuff, please see EastDigitalCoordinator.

Removed: 8d9
* Dehydrator (I hardly know 'er!) -- Hmm. Can't find this as of 2017.

Removed: 10d10
* Gaming TV - small (can we get a less shitty one somehow?)

Removed: 12d11
* LoungeTerm?

Changed: 17,21c16
** stapler
** Board game collection
** bike pump
** Left over party supplies
** Dorm BBQ stuff
** Board game collection

Changed: 24,25c19,20
* juggling stuff
* big chess set
* Upright vacuum cleaner
* Shop vac

Removed: 28,29d22
* chalk
* chess table

Added: 35a29
* Student supply cabinet - Snow shovel, paper towels, toilet paper, large trashbags.

Changed: 38c32,34
(Most storage stuff is currently kept in EDC (linky) and can be accessed by asking a EDC ossifer (linky) to let you in.)
(Most storage stuff is currently kept in EdcStorage and can be accessed by asking a dorm president to let you in.)
* Unicycles and pogo sticks
* Many cleaning supplies - disinfectant spray, paper towels, buckets, etc.

Removed: 40d35
* dorm sledgehammer

Removed: 42d36
** tiki torches

Removed: 44d37
** lights (long blacklights, big blacklight, discoy lights, the normal ones w/gels that have a name I forgot)

Added: 46a40,41
** 2 blenders
** Cups

Removed: 48d42
* big red ball (broken)

Added: 49a44,49
* Sports stuff - Box in EdcStorage
** Basketball
** Badminton stuff
** Football
** Frisbees
* Arts supplies, 2 boxes in EdcStorage - paints, chalk, popsicle sticks, etc.

The dorm owns a lot of stuff. The stuff is there for people like you, yes you, to borrow and use. Please take care of the stuff, so others can use it too.

For electronic stuff, please see EastDigitalCoordinator.

Lounge Stuff:


Laundry Room:

Storage Stuff: (Most storage stuff is currently kept in EdcStorage and can be accessed by asking a dorm president to let you in.)

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Last edited December 9, 2019 15:36 (diff)