Also known as Weasel Wan Wilkemeyer.
Somehow always has an unhinged show/movie for the lounge to watch. Can almost always be found sitting on top of LuMpy in the lounge. Liesel is the proud orchestrator and subject of LuMpy's tramp stamp. In their frosh year, Liesel's room was Lounged and YA'ed (LiloRyan did the book memes though, so they were NOT YA ... they were more A) which gave Liesel the opportunity for LuMpy's trampstamp and for the Worms to be made into earrings. Liesel is also accomplished at balancing many lemons (and orange) on their head. Liesel is very queer. Liesel loves otters and sharks and other animals. Liesel is a chemist (just like everyone knows SamWheeler is) and an enjoyer of chaos, fire, and chocolate. Liesel is the BiggestFan? of the Hoch's ChickenTortillaSoup?. Just ask them.
LieselHilkemeyer is uncannily similar to LiloRyan (Liesel's FrOsh mentor and GloctorPilo?) and TaylorLevinson in different ways. KaviDey has called Liesel "Lilo" on many occasions (which is awkward). Ask LieselHilkemeyer or SophiaAtwell about their nursing home AU (or future) and their business ideas about green juice.
Liesel is allergic to strawberries but when told (or making) certain jokes/comments, Liesel will turn bright red like a strawberry. SimiVora and TaylorLevinson enjoy making Liesel turn red.
Liesel is also a 2023-2024 DormTreasurer and helps with DormHistory? (many recordings of FrOsh and Presidential ShoweRing). Liesel is to thank for Kavi's CornCrown? and the lounge Blahajs and Axolotl squishmallow. Liesel is also able to fall asleep almost anywhere and at anytime (Liesel has fallen asleep in the lounge many times, including during 2024 Spring Funball, but has only been LoungeTrolled? a few of the times). Liesel helped the other FrOsh get revenge after FroshPrank and helped with the LongTallGlasses prank of 2024 BigCompassRose (made the compass and acted as storage room for all supplies). Liesel's room was often used as a storage and planning room for these endeavors because Liesel lived in a souble (single person, double room... Liesel refuses to call it a dingle because they assert that that would connotate two people in a single room) and many people have climbed through Liesel's window. Liesel's room has also been used for showering occasionally. Liesel lived in Room101?, which is loud (Liesel woke up to tours, conversations, and Ram Ranch sporadically throughout the year) and but did avoid all the troubles of 2023-2024 (plumbing/pipes backing up into the shower, black widows, weevils).
Liesel ("Crackhead") was adopted into the SexyFamily along with HelenRandle ("Ho") and SophiaAtwell ("Bastard") in their second semester at Mudd after/during a trip to Target (where they obviously sell adoption papers). They are parented by TaylorLevinson ("Bitch") and SimiVora ("Slut") and the great-grandparent is DelaneyCohn ("Danger Tits"). Prior to adoption, Liesel had been kidnapped by their parents/great-grandparents regularly and ransomed for Hoch cookies. After adoption, these were merely FamilyOutings?.
Liesel is part of MuddEscapes?, the Competitive Club Tennis Team, and Pomona College Band (saxophone) (among other clubs and activities). Liesel is part of a D&D campaign with SimiVora, TaylorLevinson, SamWheeler, AlanKappler?, ColePlepels, HelenRandle, QuinnMiyamoto, ElioThadhani (spring 2024 - fall 2024). This campaign fully believes in the power of floor time: it protects the player's rolls (we roll SO well) and severely hinders Simi's rolls (much to their dismay). Liesel competed as part of East's CopperChef? team for qualifying (did not move on) and part of South's CopperChef? team when they won in Spring 2024. Liesel also won the PuzzleChef? challenge in Spring 2024 HvZ (their pan-fried bread is fabulous).
During Liesel's FrOsh year, Liesel sent or was involved in 88/448 of the schmack emails (~19.64% of the year's emails), most of which were related to LoungeRes?.
Liesel's List of LoungeResing? (FrOsh Year, top = beginning of year, bottom = end of year) when they had FreeTime:
FridayMorningMovie (and a few ITRs):
TuesdayTVTunes? (TTT):
LoungeRes? (General):
Liesel is a SophoMore (kind of, but not really) and an EastMentor? :
Liesel joined the mod team of HVZ and is still part of MuddEscapes? leadership (it takes up so much of their time, but as of Spring 2025 they have successfully indoctrinated SamWheeler, KaylaLong, and ColePlepel? into the club as well). Liesel is a WritingCenterTutor?. Liesel is still EastDormCash? for 2024-2025. Liesel is still an HonorBoard representative.
LieselHilkemeyer LOVES OrganicChemistry.
LieselHilkemeyer gave RachelZhang an idea for Norf's FroshPrank. Seran wrap everything. Add a layer of glitter. Seran wrap everything again. It was glorious. The NorfFrosh? did not open anything up over a trashcan or outside of their rooms (they never learned).
LieselHilkemeyer, TaylorLevinson and DelaneyCohn "nom nom nom nom nom nom".
LieselHilkemeyer, ColePlepel?, QuinnMiyamoto, ElioThadhani, KaylaLong, AlanKappler?, CameronWarmerdam? are in a Dungeons and Dragons Campaign and SamWheeler is the DM. They also play in few shots with ColePlepel? DMing and have plans to DM their own few shot.
Liesel has a list of Venmo notes that are not allowed to be sent. Most of them relate to "Cocaine" or "sucking balls" (these are boba related, don't worry). They found that you can still send these messages, but you need to have a space between the letters.
When LieselHilkemeyer played BotC? they were the BoomDaddy? (?) and their only successful truth-kill was when they said that they had balls in their mouth (because boba). They didn't realize they were supposed to say something about the game. Oops.