There was a random alumnus Who made lim'ricks quite egregious. c'mon frosh, are you scared? You all are here dared To compete in this war about... Penis! -NickJohnson
Limericks a verbal art be When spoken, sounds are easy But when written down One may guess the wrong sound Thus rhyming requires a key. -NickJohnson
Speaking of keys all the same I need not reread it again So you too feel free Exercise the d-key And perhaps this won't need a refrain -NickJohnson
I never quite understood Those linguists who often would Without apprehension Use 'to mention' to mention "To mention" whenever they could. -NickJohnson
As a general rule of thumb, Many limericks out there are dumb But when you need a disclaimer? You can't get much lamer; That's really as bad as they come. -MicahSmukler
I've never written a limerick before, much less taken part in a war; so allow me to enter this trivial banter, we'll see if this settles the score. -GregSandstrom
Mon Dieu, i think i'm in shock When i look at the field and take stock That one is my roomie And the other a n00b There exists one frosh who does rock -NickJohnson
Oh man, my head feels just like a parade Where the Marines have let off a nerve-shattering fusillade This infection is most tiring And I really feel like expiring Just in time for Mudd's One-Week-Only Examination Arcade. -MarshallPierce
the subtle genius of bygone years scattered through time in lost careers with them i have no connection but with this sudden recollection I am strangely moved to tears -GregSandstrom
Limericks are predictably bad but this one is especially sad. Though it reads like a song and no line is too long, its rhyme scheme is totally wrong. -DavidCoyne
When the last line's the same as the first, a limerick's really the worst. It's repetitive, boring, and quite worth ignoring when the last line's the same as the first. -DavidCoyne
Though FunWiki may be good crack I feel I've been stabbed in the back I hardly expected To see here reflected A limerick war worthy of Schmack! -StephGrush
When you say "worthy of", you do err; You should exercise somewhat more care. If Schmack-like these look, It's because some frosh took Them from some thread that just started there. -MicahSmukler
Alas, now I cry out, alack (A lass who is feeling a lack Of original rhymes, I'll add this to my crimes:) I cry out: "I am not on Schmack!" -StephGrush
Now don’t judge me too quick These rhymes aren’t yet an original pick But the hope for them Is to grow and stem A new war of the limerick -RobinSchriebman (Frosh who's to blame/credit)
Oh, don't let it bring you much shame If Wiki and Schmack are the same When a war is begun It's just too much fun To cry out, "The frosh are to blame!" -StephGrush
There once was a chat-list called shmack with randomness never in lack - of tech news we'd wank (and some of us thank) - of penii and moms we'd post back. -AdamField (I thought they'd be posted automatically... Robin, you're being lax in your duties ;-)
One time a PreFrosh found FunWiki, And got stuck on it as if 'twere sticky, He got it into his head, To edit nodes that are dead, And all else found this practice icky. -MikeBuchanan
Another PreFrosh, just as crazy But perhaps slightly more lazy Found it less of a bother To just watch the other And edit when sufficiently eazy. ~EllenKephart