I was here for PreFroshWeekend 2004, and had a rather good time. I roomed with RichardGarfinkel and EricBerglund, along with another prefrosh who may or may not be here. I might investigate... I will admit that I did play both ChesSers and ItrGames while here. I guess the indoctrination was successful, since I ended up as an enrolled FrOsh. --PhilMiller
- Your companion did in fact also enroll (I believe his name is Martin, but I could be wrong), which means that I have a 100% success rate. I am awesome. See me radiate the awesomeness. --RichardGarfinkel
- Is this the sort of "awesome" radiation which causes radiation poisoning?
- If I want it to, yes. Speaking of which, you should probably go see a doctor about that tumor.
I stayed with PaulScott and spent most of the weekend hanging out with GregSandstrom playing video games. LoriThomas made creme brulee. There were ItrGames. --RichardGarfinkel
There were no PreFrosh in 2002. None. At all.
ItrGames with PreFrosh began at midnight on Monday.
- 2003 ItrGames Status Update: Really? They were Sunday night my frosh year, so SuiteVengeance ran 'em Sunday again this past year. Not like I could have changed that once I made the announcements and printed up the x where x is large posters. And we DID get an attendance of over 50. --DuctTapeGuy "Still feels unrecognized for all that work, but isn't actually bitter about it"
The PreFrosh are gone...
There were more prefrosh than frosh on campus this weekend. Crazy. Did anyone else think that 180+ prefrosh was just too many?
- I thought so... and I was one of them! --MaryPeter
The hash turned into HashingInTheRain and SlipAndSlideAnywhere...
The PreFrosh were playing ChesSers! (insert Evil Laugh here)
- 2001 Chessers Status Update: They're back and playing ChesSers again, although less obsessively than we did last year.
- JustinPava's prefrosh was BenMatthews?! He came here all the way from Maine. He's actually finding a way to sleep in our room! Scary!
- MinervaWelling had OneKim? who is from BostonMass like her.
- MattBrubeck's prefrosh was Paul Hand, aka Paul-who-knows-MarySullivan.
- So I woke up this morning thinking that there were three PreFrosh sleeping in TheChampagneRoom. I expected to see three, so I didn't think much of it. Until, about an hour and a half or so later I saw the door open. In walked one of my PreFrosh (PomonaSteve). I looked around and realized I had no idea who was sleeping on the couch. Finally, about an hour or so later, JohnWalseth mumbled something to indicate that he wasn't a PreFrosh and in fact he was JohnWalseth.
So, we had two
PreFrosh and a pre-proctor.--
I hereby nominate this page as "Most Needing Timestamps", as it bounces around across (I believe) 3 years of PreFroshWeekend. Annoyingly, the first and last bits are both from the same year (my year, 2000), and the stuff in the middle is mostly from later than that. Oh, never mind, I'll just put the years in myself as best as I can. Feel free to correct them if you think you know better than I do.--DanCicio