It has now been substantially more than a year since the last one, and
FunWiki has been boring lately, so let's see who's still checking it. Same rules as before; if you see this page in the first 24 hours after its creation add your name and the time you viewed it (Pacific time please), and make sure you do it as a minor edit only!
Creation: 11:33 PM 7/30/06 LaurenSchulz
- 1:04 AM 7/31/06 MartinPyne
- 1:05 AM 31 July 2006 RobinBaur
- 1:59 AM July 31 '06 RichardGarfinkel (keeping with the theme of varying date formats...)
- 5:20 AM 31/7/06 FrancesHocutt (guess who's on EastCoast? time?)
- 6:57 AM 31 Jul 06 BrianYoung (SOME of us get up for work in the morning.)
- 7:48 AM July 31, 2006 MikeBuchanan (guess who's on EastCoast? time and not getting up for work)
- 8:17 AM 31 July 2006 CE DavidLapayowker (huzzah for being in the one true time zone, and not having work)
- Way to blow it, frosh!
- And in my defense, I would be shocked if there are more than a few people who found out about it in this way. Probably most everyone who would be reading FunWiki around this time of year would have minor edits on.
- That's the lamest defense I've ever heard.
- I'm fully aware. All I'm saying is, was it really worth it to get off your ass and comment? Doesn't seem like it to me.
- You act like I have something better to do.
- You clearly need to watch the news more often.
- 2006 Anno Domani + 18261960 seconds JoshMiddendorf (8:46AM)
- 9:06 AM 2006 July 31 EvilSouthie
- 9:37 AM The Year of Our Lorde 2006, the Last Day of the Month of July (being the 31st), DuctTapeGuy
- 10:58 AM Qi Xi Day (China) 2006, AlexBobbs
- You forgot to minor edit, too!
- In my defence, the cat was already out of the bag, and there's no putting it back in.
- That's a much better defense.
- 1154370403s (11:16 AM, the 31st; though actually about a dozen minutes earlier), AdamField. Incidentally, way to make it on a day I went to sleep early (and by early, I mean 1ish), and then accidentally slept in anyway.
- Incidentally, way to forget to add your name.
- 4:17 PM EST 7/31/06 HeatherJustice (oops, totally wasn't thinking when I originally had AM instead of PM...)
- As-the-seventh-month-dies, 2:21 PM PDT JulieWortman (reigning WikiWhore)
- This gets my vote for the most creative date formatting. --RichardGarfinkel
- Only creative if you haven't read any HarryPotter. :P --Julie
- I can't think for the life of me where that shows in HarryPotter. Clue me in? --AndrewHunter
- If memory serves, the prophecy references that a child will be born "as the seventh month dies." --AndrewTaylor
- Makes sense, I guess. Silly prophecy. The only good prophecy is the fake one in the only movie worse than Zardoz.
- 2006-07-31 14:28 -0700 BenJencks
- AndrewHunter 5:20 PM PST 7/31/06
- 7:20 PM July 31, 2006 MarissaQuitt
- 23:27 CDT 31 July 2006, LauraKanofsky
- 22:29 PDT 31 July 2006, AlexUtter
- 22:45 PDT 31 July 2006, MichaelBraly
See Also: WikiWhore, WikiWhore2003, WikiWhore2004, WikiWhore2005, WikiWhore2007, WikiWhore2024