Someone who noticed the creation of this page. Or, I suppose, the person who created it.
Please add your name and the time you viewed. Those visiting in the first 24 hours get the prestige/shame of having the designation of WikiWhore added to their page until they care enough to remove it.
- Created: 4/14/2003 4:26 PM by BenjAzose
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 4:34 PM by WillShipley
- This is just absurd. What kept all of you?
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 5:15 PM by AlexBobbs
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 5:15 PM by JulieWortman
- I blame ModernLab?. I don't know what excuse everyone else has.
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 5:42 PM by EvilSouthie
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 9:12 PM (EDT) by CurtisVinson
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 6:26 PM by MicahSmukler
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 6:30 PM by RobinBaur
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 6:32 PM by EliBogart
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 7:15 PM by JohnWalseth
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 7:49 PM by DanCicio
- Sorry, I was busy playing DrMario64? in the lounge. I have my priorities.
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 8:28 PM by ArielBarton
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 8:38 PM by MichaelVrable
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 8:45 PM by LauraKanofsky
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 9:49 PM by JeffBrenion
- Southie's fault. I was making D&D characters for hours...
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 10:44 PM by BridgetLewis
- notice how someone who does not go to Harvey Mudd made the WikiWhore deadline... while her sister did not (though only by 4 minutes).
- Viewed: 4/14/2003 11:53 PM by VictoriaKrafft
- Viewed: 4/15/2003 1:42 AM by ReginaCarns
- Viewed: 4/15/2003 7:02 AM (PST) by NickJohnson
- This is worse than time alone suggests, cause you created the page after i went home, and i only got in to work < 1hour ago.
- Viewed: 4/15/2003 9:14 AM by ChainMaille
- Viewed: 4/15/2003 10:39 AM by RachelGabor
- Viewed: 4/15/2003 4:22PM by KatieLewis
- Viewed: 4/16/2003 5:27AM by NateCappallo
- Doh... I missed the 24 hour deadline. And the above time is the west coast time, even though I'm on the right coast.
The WikiWhores have failed.
The line of WikiWhoredom has been broken. Their lack of vigilance has allowed them to become corrupted by the dark powers. They have succumbed to evil which does not sleep. Alas! I wish i had not lived to see such dark times.
- So says you.
- Pardon, what are you talking about? --KL
- I think it falls under the category of WankWankWank.
- check out RecentChanges for May 30th. See comment "critics wanted". No critics have responded. Conclusion: the WikiWhores have failed.
WikiWhore2003, WikiWhore2004, WikiWhore2005, WikiWhore2006, WikiWhore2007, WikiWhore2008, WikiWhore2009, WikiWhore2010, WikiWhore2024