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Code Repository

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Game specific functions (MatLab m-files)
interface.m Main interface to the NN-Seven card game training functions.
playgame.m Plays one game of Seven, updating the neural network weights.
playgame_rand.m Plays one game of Seven with two random players and the AI.
playcard.m The player makes a move.
playcard_rand.m The player makes a move (possibly random).
givecard.m The player passes his/her worst card.
givecard_rand.m The player passes his/her worst card (possibly random).
findmoves.m Determines all moves that can be made from the given hand.
makeplay.m Play the given card and update the current game state.
iswinner.m Check the end condition of the game.
Neural Network specific functions (MatLab m-files)
encode.m Encodes the current game state as an input vector for the network.
evaluate.m Implements a standard forward propagation.
train.m Trains the neural network using a modified version of temporal diff.
learn.m Implements standard back propagation.
sigma.m Implements the sigmoid function: y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)).
Game Interface (JavaScript)
nn-seven.zip JavaScript web interface for the NN-Seven card game (zipped file).
rmcknigh@cs.hmc.edu Sun Jan 15 09:41:10 2006