
Acknowledgments - Thanks - Links to related materials

MyCS thanks and acknowledges many sources for its inspiration:

Although our curriculum is specific to middle-years learners with materials and exercises custom-built for that purpose, we do provide links throughout the curriculum to other resources.

Those references highlight MyCS's connections to many amazing curricula -- and they encourage students and teachers to look around at "What's next?!" in becoming engaged and excited about computer science.

  • The FACT curriculum (this link is to a playlist of YouTube videos that contextualize computer science)
    Shuchi Grover and colleagues at Stanford, SRI, and elsewhere have created wonderful materials (we encourage any middle-school teacher to leverage them). Reference:    Grover, Shuchi, Roy Pea, and Stephen Cooper. "Designing for deeper learning in a blended computer science course for middle school students." Computer Science Education 25, no. 2 (2015): 199-237.
  • Exploring Computer Science
    The ECS curriculum provided the foundation in the philosophy, structure, and learning goals for MyCS. Students would be well-prepared for ECS after a MyCS experience.
  • CS Unplugged
    We provide teachers pointers to CS Unplugged activities as opportunities for classroom additions that are kinaesthetic, motivating, and relevant.
  • Common Sense Media
    CSM has an excellent curriculum, distinct from MyCS, from which many of our teachers pull lessons and interventions on appropriate, deliberate use of online and media resources.
  • Scratch Offline
    This Scratch Offline curriculum, in combination with a desktop version of Scratch, gives a strong introduction to Scratch programming without requiring consistent internet access.
  • Codecademy
    Though not central to the main MyCS curriculum, Codecademy provides one of a growing number of online supports for learning about technical material. We like to think of Codecademy as a supplement to our in-class curriculum; we realize that they may see MyCS as an in-class supplement for a new era of curricularinteraction!