Apparently a
SeventhFloorEastie, according to the chart: a freshman majoring in
ComputerScience at CarnegieMellonUniversity
? after being rejected by
HarveyMuddCollege. No, he's not bitter
(about that).
- East gets taller every day, it seems...--MattWalsh
Are you intending to suggest that I am bitter in general? :-) -GlennWillen
- Definitely would be in East if he was at Mudd. Crack of choice: random web-browsing. If you can call that crack. -FrancesHocutt
- It's the most insidious type of crack around.
- Personally, I'd guess that crack is the most insidious type of crack around. But that could just be me ;-)
CarnegieMellon?? My sister is a frosh there this year. I smile in your general direction. : ). -- KatieLewis
- CarnegieMellon?? I applied there and then cancelled the application when I got into Mudd. It was one of my top three choices, though. --AdamField
- Funny, I applied there and then... went there when I didn't get into Mudd. --GlennWillen
Active member of the CMU KGB: [1] We play Capture the Flag With Stuff [2] (Capture the Stuff With Flag?), which I'm told is much like a really big ITR game. We've also recently started playing Assassins [3] [4] [5].
- Ooh, that sounds interesting. I may just have to consider trying to start a game of Assasins at Mudd. --JiBB
- I'll play! I've been wanting to try that since sometime last last year when I heard about the game.
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