2009-2010 SabreenLakhani |
2023-2024 RuthMueller & LieselHilkemeyer |
Also in charge of dorm funds. But you all know the quarters are the important thing.
Past and Present DormTreasurers:
2000-2003 BrieFinger? 2003-2004 MichaelVrable 2004-2005 EliBogart- in cahoots with LoriThomas, suitemate and EDC Money Handler Person. Legally and ethically impeccable cahoots, of course. 2005-2006 AndrewDanowitz? 2006-2007 MichaelBraly 2007-2008 JayMarkello 2008-2010 JamesBrown 2009-2010 SabreenLakhani 2010-2011 SabreenLakhani 2011-2013 LaurenNishizaki 2013-2014 JenniferRogers 2014-2015 RachelONeill 2015-2016 MarinaKnittel, QuentinBarth 2016-2017 SarahHale, MaggieGelber, KateWoolverton 2017-2018 EvanAmason, SarahHale, MaryClareShen 2018-2019 EvanAmason, MaryClareShen, MacallanPenberthy, SydneyTowell 2019-2020 SydneyTowell, KyraClark, FionnaKopp 2022-2023 AnanyaVenkatachalam 2023-2024 RuthMueller & LieselHilkemeyer