Location: Pittsburgh, PA / Carnegie Mellon University SuiteMate: another Heather L. J. (not kidding!) |
Location: Pasadena, CA |
Current Standing: Masters student (or MuddAlumInDenial??) Major: Robotics |
Current Standing: MuddAlumInDenial?? |
Old & Possibly Outdated:Was at one point after Mudd a Robotics Masters student at CMU in Pittsburgh. |
Old & Possibly Outdated: |
Hometown: Jarrettsville, MD
Favorite Color: PurPle (and the Purple Profile totally describes me, see the PurPle wiki page)
Favorite Music: ClassicRock?
Favorite Band: Boston
Obsessively addicted to TetrisAttack. Also enjoys TacticsOgre and OgreBattle64?, and at one point was playing FinalFantasyTactics and Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls.
Also addicted to Audiosurf when it (or my computer?) is not borken. If you play classic rock music on Audiosurf too, we should be Audiosurf friends so I can finally get those last two personal achievements... :-P
Loves animals, especially guinea pigs and degus.
Currently has one adorable little guinea pig named Erebus. Feel free to stop by and visit him (and me!) if you're ever in Pittsburgh.
Believes in human-animal equality (humans are animals, after all). Therefore thinks animals should be treated with respect (though, of course, we are bound by the laws of the food chain).
Sleeps. Really. Well, sometimes. More accurately, only a little. But does maintain some semblance of a sleep schedule.
Can't think of much more to write here, feel free to add stuff!
Was at one point after Mudd a Robotics Masters student at CMU in Pittsburgh.
Schedule: Fall 2009
10-701 CMU Machine Learning Guestrin M_W__ 10:30a-11:50a (Making robots learn...) 16-720 CMU Computer Vision Hebert M_W__ 3:00p- 4:20p (Making robots see...) 16-811 CMU Math Fundamentals for Robotics Erdmann _T_R_ 3:00p- 4:20p (Making robots possible...)
Schedule: Spring 2009
CSCI 196-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium Sweedyk ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 184-01 HM Computer Science Clinic II Keller _T___ 11:00a-11:50a GAMCAL ENGR 083-01 HM Continuum Mechanics Bassman _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p PA2358 ENGR 008-01 HM Design Representation & Realiztn King M_W_F 8:00a- 8:50a GA EDW MATH 157-01 HM Intermediate Probability Martonosi M_W_F 11:00a-11:50a BKB134 PSYC 108-01 HM Intro. to Social Psychology Mashek _T_F_ 9:35a-10:50a PA1285 LIT 179-01 HM Literary Moonwalkers Wernimont M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PLCFAB
Schedule: Fall 2008
CSCI 195-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium O'Neill ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 183-01 HM Computer Science Clinic I Keller _T___ 11:00a-12:00p BKB126 CSCI 140-01 HM Algorithms Pippenger _T_R_ 2:45p- 4:00p BKB126 ENGR 151-01 HM Engineering Electronics Staff... M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p PA1287 ENGR 153-01 HM Electronics Laboratory Baumgaertn M____ 2:45p- 5:30p PAB172 PSYC 140-01 CM Leadership Riggio __W__ 1:15p- 4:00p KS 101 DANC 140-01 PO Composition 1: Movement Explortn Cameron _T_R_ 6:00p- 7:30p PDLSTD PE 004-59 PO Hiking/geocaching Connell ____F 1:00p- 3:00p RACLAS PE 001-31 JP Life Bliss Meditation Carmichael M_W__ 7:00p- 8:00p SCT108 ?? CSCI 151 Grutoring Sood ????? ? - ? ?
Schedule: Spring 2008
CSCI 194-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium Sweedyk ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN CSCI 154-01 HM Robotics Dodds _T_R_ 9:35a-10:50a BKB126 CSCI 151-01 HM Artificial Intelligence Alvarado M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p JAB134 ENGR 158-01 HM Intro. to CMOS VLSI Design Harris,D _T_R_ 2:45p- 4:00p TG 201 CLAS 133-01 PO Dreams, Omens, and Oracles Astorga _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p CR 04 PSYC 107-01 PZ Theories of Personality Vajk M____ 6:30p- 9:20p BH 110 HM CSCI 131 Grutoring Stone _T___ 9:00p-11:00p BKB102 HM ENGR 085 Lab Tutoring Harris,S U_____ 2:00p- 4:00p PAB183
Schedule: Fall 2007
CSCI 193-01 HM Computer Science Colloquium O'Neill ___R_ 4:15p- 5:30p GAPRYN (See, I am a CS major!) CSCI 131-01 HM Programming Languages Stone _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p JAB132 (How many languages do I know...?) __W__ 5:45p- 6:35p BKB105 (PL's for dinner...) ENGR 085-01 HM Digital Elec/comp Engineering Harris,D M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p BKB126 (...And computer chips for snack!) ENGR 161-01 HM Comp Image Processing/analysis Wang M_W_F 9:00a- 9:50a JAB134 (Hmm, how to make all images purple...) PSYC 053-01 HM Introduction To Psychology Mashek M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1287 (Why are people so hard to understand?) RLST 179-01 HM Religion and Film Solano _T___ 2:45p- 5:30p PA1264 (Yay movie break!)
Schedule: Spring 2007
CSCI 121-02 PO Software Development Kampe _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p ML 134 (Big coding projects, fun fun.) CSCI 081-01 HM Computability and Logic Keller M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1285 (Plus half-Ran!) MATH 113-01 PO Cryptography Kurt M_W__ 2:45p- 4:00p ML 213 (The OTHER kind of code.) BIOL 052-04 HM Introduction to Biology Asai M_W__ 11:00a-12:15p GAMCAL (I'll like Bio if it's about animals!) _T___ 12:15p- 1:05p TG 201 (Almost finished core!) THEA 001-02 PO Introduction to Acting Thomas-S _T_R_ 9:00a-11:00a TE 122 (To be or not to be...) ENGR 084-01 HM Elec & Magnetic Circuits/dev Schaffer M_W__ 10:00a-10:50a GA EDW (Yes, that is non-core engineering.)
Schedule: Fall 2006 (I was too lazy to add my schedules for freshman year :-P)
CSCI 105-01 Computer Systems Kuenning M_W__ 2:45p- 4:00p PA1285 (I AM taking a CS course this semester!) Kuenning __W__ 8:00p- 9:20p BKB105 (Yay late night CS lab!) CSCI 189-01 Programming Practicum Dodds _T___ 4:15p- 5:30p JAB134 (Is Dodds really as crazy as I've heard?) MATH 055-01 Discrete Mathematics Benjamin M_W__ 1:15p- 2:30p BKB126 (A must for any CS major...) ENGR 059-07 Intro to Engineering Systems Cha _T_R_ 9:35a-10:50a GAMCAL (Not just for engineering majors!) Staff ____F 10:00a-10:50a TG 103 (So near to the weekend...) PHYS 051-07 Electromagnetic Theory & Optics Lyzenga _T_R_ 8:10a- 9:25a GAMCAL (CS department is better at scheduling...) Sparks M_W__ 11:00a-11:50a TG 101 (Sigh, gotta love core...) PHYS 053-10 Electricity & Optics Laboratory Saeta ____F 12:40p- 2:40p JAB115 (Error analysis homework, what's that?) SOSC 180-01 Tropical Forests: Policy & Prac Steinberg _T_R_ 1:15p- 2:30p PA1264 (Save the rainforests!)
Freshman Year
Location: Suite Insomnia (East 165/163)
SuiteMates?: SarahFletcher & LindsayTice & NancyEisenmenger
Is a FrOsh. PurpleFrosh, to be exact.
From what we can tell from what editing she has done, HeatherJustice is simply the FrOsh who likes PurPle. This could be verified through the Pre-Frosh Forum if it still existed. Or, in fact, by a simple walk into Heather's room, East 165. Or by observation of what she wears.
Sophomore Year
Location: TimeSuckX (East 151/153)
SuiteMates?: SarahFletcher & LindsayTice & NancyEisenmenger
Extension: x72036 (not that I'll remember this myself, of course)
Current Standing: SophoMore
DormOssifer Position: CAP Representative
Junior Year
Location: East 162
Imaginary RoomMate: LindsayTice
Extension: x76614 (not that I'll remember this myself, of course)
Current Standing: JuNior? (ScaryUpperclassman!)
ASHMC Position: Junior Appeals Board Representative
Senior Year
Location: East 127
SuiteMate: SkyeBerghel
Extension: (no longer cares)
Current Standing: SeniorInDenial
Major: ComputerScience (yes, I'm one of those rare female Mudd CS majors)
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