Human Gaze Reponse to Feature Films

Human Gaze Response to Feature Films

What makes us look at a particular image region? How much time do viewers need to process changes in moving images? And do the methods developed by filmmakers to influence visual attention actually work? These are some of the questions we can explore using modern eye tracking hardware and techniques from computer graphics.

Example projects:

Narrative, attention, and the oculomotor response time
In this project, student researchers will help answer the question of whether or not the reaction time of the oculomotor reflex changes with cognitive engagement. Skills developed: Video processing, designing and conducting laboratory experiments with human participants, familiarity with common filmmaking techniques.

Attention to dynamic faces.
One well-known feature of the visual system is that it is especially tuned to detecting and analyzing human faces. How does the presence of humans on-screen affect gaze behavior for feature film viewers? Skills developed: understanding and implementing existing face detection algorithms from computer vision; systems challenges for large-scale image processing; data visualization and presentation.

Mentor: Professor Katherine Breeden

Katherine Professor Breeden began at Stanford investigating the features of traditional 2D cinema that influence saccadic motion of the human eye. Additional research interests include applied geometry and advanced sampling methods. This online Gaze Data Explorer shows some of the facets–and intricacy–of modeling and tracking human attention.