Thanksgiving is on November 26 this year. If you are planning to attend, please add yourself to the list below. If there is some food item that you think is important for Thanksgiving, add it to the list of requested food items. If you are one of the lucky people who has the ability to prepare food, please list yourself there. If you don't think you have such skills, don't worry. We'll still find something to make you do.
Note: historically, it's been about $8-$10 per person for EastieThanksgiving, and there are copious quantities of awesome leftovers.
Note 2: ALLERGY WARNING -- As many of you know, there are people in the dorm with food allergies who will be attending EastieThanksgiving. Therefore if your dish contains any of the following, please either keep it separate from other foods or label it, as indicated below.
Note 3: VEGETARIANS -- There are some people in the dorm who are vegetarians. Please label non-vegetarian food if it is not obvious whether or not food is vegetarian. (You don't have to label the turkey, for example, but it might be nice if you put a "not veg" label on something vegetarian-looking if it contains, say, chicken broth.)