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Stuff archived from the CampaignList.

The Night Below (9/97 - 12/98)

Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green (1/98 - 11/98)

Kingdoms (1/99 - 4/99)

Goblinoids (9/99 - 9/00)

Ed's Campaign (Fall '99 - Fall '01)

Everyone's Your Friend in New York City (1/00 - 5/01ish?)

Nick's Campaign (spring 00 - 5/01)

The Night Below + Tomb of Horrors (fall 00 - 1/02?)

Wilderness (9/00 - 5/01) (9/01 - 12/01)

Haven (3/01 - 3/02)

The Caldanian Cycle (Fall '01 - May 9th, '02) (see SagaOfClivesdale)

The Twentieth Level Campaign (2/02 - 3/02)

The Fairy Tale Campaign (2/02 - summer/02)

Technocrats go Vampire Hunting (I'll think up a better title sometime) (3/31/02 - I think its pretty dead now (6/02))

Steve's Campaign that really needs a better name (and now has one at EnorethianChronicles) (8/02-5/03)

Southie's Chaos Campaign (8/02 - 11/02)

Jim's Deadlands Campaign (9/02 - 5/03)

Sundered Realms (Summer 03) (see SunderedRealms)

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Last edited December 7, 2006 20:24 (diff)